Human Resources in 2020 provides the last published figures[1] on Commission trade unions or staff associations (OSPs) [Click on the image on the left to see a bigger version]. There, Generation 2004 was already the largest single OSP of the 17 recognised as representative by the Commission [2] with 27.6% of the representativity across all Commission sites and elections. With the many local staff committee elections which have taken place since the last published status Generation 2004 has grown to 33% (June 2024). Thanks everybody for the trust you’ve placed in us!
While there is a larger entity, Alliance (37% in 2022 and still in 2024), it is a now grouping of what were once 9 (yes, NINE!) individual OSPs. All of the other entities listed on the diagram from DG HR, Human Resources in 2020 (p.92) are also OSP groupings and their configurations can change over time, place and election. This can understandably cause confusion when individual OSPs stand in elections both on their own and as part of bigger groupings: we’d like to see more transparency!
So, who are the ‘other guys’?
– OSP groupings 2024
Alliance (‘Confederal Alliance of Free Trade Unions’)
Representativeness: 37%
contains 9 entities, uses this graphic and has no website
- Renouveau & Démocratie (R&D) [shown here with additional logo for R&D Luxembourg]
- Conférence des syndicats européens et syndicat des fonctionnaires européens (Conf. SFE)
- CISL, see published source: Represented by 2 separate logos in the graphic
- Union syndicale Luxembourg (USL)
- Solidarité européenne (SE) [possibly obsolete, no logo present in the graphic]
- Save Europe
- Association des fonctionnaires indépendants pour la défense de la fonction publique européenne (TAO-AFI) [‘TAO The independents’ in the graphic]
- Fédération de la Fonction publique européenne (FFPE)
- Action & Défense (A&D)
Union syndicale fédérale (USF)
Representativeness: 16%
contains 6 OSPs, constituent parts have no website and it uses this graphic
- Union syndicale Bruxelles (USB)
- Union syndicale fédérale Luxembourg (USF-L)
- Union syndicale Ispra (USI)
- Union syndicale Petten (US Petten)
- Union syndicale Karlsruhe (US Karlsruhe)
- Union syndicale Délégations
Regroupement syndical (RS)
Representativeness: 15%
contains 3 OSPs and has no website
- Union for Unity (U4U)
- Unité et Solidarité – Hors Union (USHU)
- Syndicat des Fonctionnaires internationaux et européens (SFIE) [possibly obsolete, no logo present in the graphic]
If you have any questions or you’d like to get involved, please get in touch, we’d love to hear from you!
[1] Unfortunately, there are no further editions of Human Resources in 2020 (confirmed 02.03.2023). This staff-centred publication was discontinued ‘in the interests of streamlining reporting’. We are disappointed: this text was particularly user-friendly and transparent. We have requested alternative locations for equivalent information, particularly that related to groupings of OSPs and the calculation of representativity. We would like to see our gains confirmed publicly.
In the meantime, we have cannibalised the 2020 publication, to show the situation as of December 2022 (including Luxembourg Local Staff Committee elections). It’s not particularly pretty, but it is functional until we find something better.
[2] Check out what each of these OSP stands for via their websites: MyIntracomm, Staff Matters, Trade Unions and Staff Associations (OSPs), ‘related information>see also’.
Joint Research Centre (JRC) OSPs are listed here.
Here’s the whoiswho entry for the staff committees and OSPs (though we note many empty lists there).