Generation 2004 is here for you, regardless of where you are! We would like to invite you to our virtual meeting to discuss standby duty and the use of private phones for work in Delegations. Please participate in any of our three sessions on Monday 22.04.2024. See practical details further below. Check out our corresponding articles and get your questions ready! Continue reading Conference on standby duty and use of private phones for work purposes in Delegations April 2024
Are we testing competences or IT setup?
We don’t normally publish the full text of a note as an article but, given the known IT incompatibilities, we do so here: we want to make this text available to colleagues regardless of where they are based. Please find below a slightly abridged version of the note we sent to HR (internal exams) and EPSO (certification exams) with a copy to all relevant DGs and IT services.
Generation 2004 requests that EPSO and HR engage with colleagues and services in order to address the known compatibility issues between the different EU institution[1] IT environments and the online testing/exam platforms used[2] (whether EPSO or internal exams, the issues encountered overlap). Continue reading Are we testing competences or IT setup?
Flash report on the Local Agents’ Provident Fund
The pension benefits system for local staff in Delegations (Provident Fund for Local Agents (‘PFLA‘)) has lost over 5% of its value. This means that the amount of money local agents (LA) receive at the end of their career (through employer and employee contributions) is falling. Continue reading Flash report on the Local Agents’ Provident Fund
Generation 2004 meets staff in EU Delegations 24.10.2023
*Update 27.10.2023. Please find the presentation on Mobility for CA in delegations and the Decision on Working Time and Time Management, shared with you during the session on 24.10.2023. Generation 2004 is here for you, regardless of where you are! We would like to invite you to our virtual meeting to discuss all matters Delegations on Tuesday 24.10.2023. Please participate in any of our three conferences: 9:00–10:30, 12:30-14:00 or 18:00-19:30 (all times are CEST/Brussels time). See practical details further below). Check out our corresponding EEAS and Outside the Union articles and get your questions ready! Continue reading Generation 2004 meets staff in EU Delegations 24.10.2023
Webinar on EEAS internal competitions
Generation 2004, in cooperation with Ya Semos Europeos, has organised a webinar on the application and competition process for the internal competitions in the External Action Service (EEAS). These don’t happen very often and we understand that you want to make the best of this opportunity.
We focus on practical aspects of the application:
- work experience requirements
- tips for the talent screener for those competitions which have it
- the most common mistakes done by the candidates
You can find the PowerPoint presentation here.
Ongoing difficulties for Local agents in Delegation Türkiye
*Update 29.09.2022 Local Agents in Türkiye are now being paid in euro, thank you all for your support!* Original article: Generation 2004 finds the situation for Local agents in Delegation Türkiye frustrating. We urge the administration to do the right thing: uphold the rule of law and principle of equal treatment. Abide by the outcome of the court case and comply with the instructions of the court. The pretext/excuse of a “lack of administrative” budget does not hold water. Losing a court case is not a daily operational business and therefore no institution should expect to be able to meet the financial liabilities under that business-as-usual budget item. Continue reading Ongoing difficulties for Local agents in Delegation Türkiye
2022 internal competitions, where are we?
*Update 07.03.2023, the internal competition FAQs [*] are not explicit on whether it’s possible to modify the date/time of MCQ/written tests. We have asked for the page to be updated with this information but do note that the answer is unlikely to be a positive one. If you have more information, please send it to us! Future internal competitions will be listed here.* Here is our Article 90 template (version 2)[1] for anyone who was unable to change the order of their languages in sysper.
Against all the odds, the internal competitions are moving forward, which is a very pleasant surprise.
The organisers recently published an update of the indicative calendar for AD5, as well as some additional information (addendum/addenda) on the other competitions. Continue reading 2022 internal competitions, where are we?
Internal competitions – excluded again?
Last month DG HR published several long-awaited internal competitions. If you are eligible, Generation 2004 is happy for you. However, if you are one of those that cannot apply even though you have been working for our institution for many years, do not lose your faith. We are aware of this problem and will continue fighting against this discrimination even though there are fast careers for some.
Many colleagues were already in a similar situation last year when we encouraged them to apply even if they were not ‘eligible’, for reason as wide as: Continue reading Internal competitions – excluded again?
Laissez-passer renewal unnecessarily complicated and expensive?
Generation 2004 has been contacted by many colleagues serving outside the territory of the European Union regarding the issue of renewing their service passport (‘laissez-passer’ (LP)). While for the issuing of this document (e.g. for a new start in a new country (‘posting’)) the associated travel costs are met by the services, the same is not true for the renewal. Continue reading Laissez-passer renewal unnecessarily complicated and expensive?
EEAS: discriminatory treatment of AST/SC staff
Unfortunately, we have yet another example of circumstances where our secretary and clerk (AST/SC) colleagues are again treated unfairly, this time not within the Commission itself, but in the European External Action Service (EEAS) with its 144 EU Delegations around the world, specifically when it comes to applying for jobs there (‘postings’). We remind you that AST/SC is the smallest, most restricted and newest of all three function groups for officials, it’s been around only 8 years: it was created by the 2014 staff regulation reform. Continue reading EEAS: discriminatory treatment of AST/SC staff