Ispra & Seville LSC Elections 2018

Messages sent to Ispra & Seville staff for the election campaign:

Message 1: What Generation 2004 stands for!
Message 2: Putting an end to Contract Agents unfair treatment!

Lunch-time Meetings

Generation 2004’s conferences for contract agents in the EU service in ISPRA (Italy) on 2 February and in SEVILLE (Spain) on 8 February turned out to be a success with many colleagues attending them.

The aim of these lunch-time events was to hear from JRC contract agents (CA) their experience about the application of the new GIPs (General Implementing Provisions) adopted by the Commission in November 2017. We discussed the best way to prepare for the end of contract and to identify learning needs arising from the specific CA working conditions. These conferences were also a forum to bring together JRC people: researchers, scientists and administrative staff to share their professional experiences, discuss innovative ideas and diverse topics in the JRC services.

In addition multiple individual advice sessions were held.

If you have missed these conferences, you can still watch the Brussels lunch event for contract agents here and view the presentation here.

Please send an email to our colleague here to arrange a meeting.

Ispra Meeting for all staff-   1 February


  • Recent developments of the promotion system,
  • AST careers and certification and,
  • The planned reform of the staff representation.

Ispra CAs meeting –  2 February


  • Explanation on recent changes to the Implementing rules and;
  • Highlights on JRC-specific concerns for CAs and possible solutions.

Seville: Meeting for all Staff  & CAs- 8 February


  • recent developments of the promotion system,
  • the planned reform of the staff representation.
  • issues that are specific to Contract Agents,
  • recent changes to the Implementing rules (new GIPs).


General Assembly  (details here)