- Training Offer: EPSO competition AST3
- Training offer: Internal competitions AD5/AD6/AST2/ASTSC2
- JRC event: pension rights
- General conference: Transfer-out of pension rights
- Training offer for EPSO Competitions
- Internal competition – AD5: MCQ self study and MCQ+ Case with follow up: online/no date
- EPSO training: online/no date
- Lunchtime conference: the implementation of the Picard decision in the Commission
- Standby and use of private mobile phones in EU Delegations 22.04.2024 3 time slots available
- Lunchtime conference with inspiring guest speakers (lone mothers): 18.04.2024
- Transferring out of the EU institutions pension scheme what you need to know 04.03.2024 12.00-13.30
- Certification – oral interview: Friday 19.01.2024 12:30-14:00 and Monday 22.01.2024 12:30-14:00
- How to increase your chances to get a promotion/reclassification in 2024? 30.01.2024
- Certification – oral interview: Friday 12.01.2024, Monday 15.01.2024 12:30-14:00
- EPSO external competitions: online/no date 17.01.2024
- Transferring out of the EU institutions pension scheme what you need to know: Tuesday, 16 January 2024, 12:00-13:30
- 2024 appraisal exercises conference: Tuesday, 09.01.2024 12:00-13:30
- Internal competition – free webinar – Talent screener: Thursday, 15.12.2023 12:30-14:00
- Certification Field-based oral interview: Tuesday, 12.12.2023 and Wednesday, 13.12.2023 12:30-14:00 12:30-14:00
- Internal and external competitions: what (legal) action to take? Wednesday, 15.11. 2023 12:00-13:30
- Generation 2004 meets staff in EU Delegations 24.10.2023
- Event: certification – mission (nearly) impossible: 12 10.2023
- Lunchtime conference on diverse topics – 20.09.2023
- New webinars on MCQ and CBT September 2023
- How to draft an appeal 2023 15.06.2023
- The Picard case 24.04.2023 Do you want to know more about the recent Picard judgement C-366/21 P concerning Contract Agent (CA) pension rights?
- EU knowledge test: training 07.03.2023 lunchtime
- Contract Agents in Delegations conference 28.02.2023
- How to increase your chances to get a promotion/reclassification in 2023? 30.01.2023
- 2023 appraisal and promotion/reclassification exercises conference 10.01.2023
- An update on workplace bullying and harassment to be decided
- Contract Agents: what does the future hold? 08.12.2022
- A follow up to our previous meeting with DGT, this time with a focus on standby duty 02.12.2022
- Internal competitions: AST/SC2, AST2, AD6, 7, 9, 12 1 December 2022
- Financial help in different Member States Tuesday 22 November 2022
- Contract Agents: what does the future hold? 17 November 2022
- 12.30-14.00
- Building closures in winter Friday 11 November 2022 12.30-14.00
- Workshop-webinar: EPSO/AD/401/22 AD6 energy, climate and environment Tuesday 8 November
- Let’s talk about resilience at work 24 October 2022
- AST event: all you ever wanted to know! 4 October 2022
- EPSO CBT/internal competition training: August 2022 (23, 25, 26 and 30 of August 2022)
- Update on our collective action on internal competitions (7 April 2022 12.30)
- Project 55+ transition towards retirement (March 2022)
- Meeting on the new HR strategy (14 February 2022)
- Let’s walk together! February 2022
- Meeting on the future of hot-desking and buildings (3 February 2022)
- Increased teleworking costs (27 January 2022)
- How to increase your chances if you expect a promotion/reclassification (20 January 2022)
- 2022 appraisal conference (Tuesday, January 11 2022 between 12:30 and 14:30 via Webex: joining instructions)
- CBT for AD5 internal competition training offer (Starts 4 January 2022)
- Project 55+ transition towards retirement (December 2021)
- CBT for AD5-internal-competition training offer (Starts 7 or 15 December 2021)
- Generation 2004 Café – meet our candidates (23 November 2021)
- Meeting on Buildings, restaurants, cafeterias & return to the office (22 November 2021) recording here
- Meeting for Romanian colleagues (19 November 2021)
- Meeting for AST-SCs (19 November 2021) recording here
- Meeting for ADs (19 November 2021) here is the presentation, recording here
- Meeting for Contract Agents (18 November 2021) here is the presentation, recording here
- Meeting for ASTs (18 November 2021) here is the presentation and the FAQs, recording here
- Brussels: meeting for all (10 September 2021)
- Coaching support (delegation) (16 September 2021)
- EPSO CBT training offer: October 2021 (4/8/11/14 October 2021)
- Brick by brick breaking bad behaviours (9 July 2021)
- CBT training offer (starting 5 July 2021)
- General Assembly (29 June 2021)
- Luxembourg members conference (25 June 2021)
- Members conference (24 June 2021)
- Commission Representations conference (22 June 2021)
- AST/SC conference (22 June 2021)
- CBT training offer (July 2021)
- How to draft an appeal (17 June 2021)
- CBT training offer (June 2021)
- How to decode and successfully communicate with your co-workers?
(1 June 2021) - Coaching lunchtime sessions on how to efficiently work digitally (27 April, 7 May 2021)
- Special meeting with DGT (25 March 2021)
- AST conference on career development (certification) (28 January 2021)
- How to increase your chances if you expect a promotion/reclassification (21 January 2021)
- JRC Contract Agents (20 January 2021)
- Recording of the JRC conference
- Annual Appraisal: Legal framework and scope
- Career CA in the Commission
- Mobility
- End of contract