What is staff representation and how does it function in the Commission?

The Staff Committee is provided for in the staff regulations as a recognised body to represent staff vis-à-vis their employer.  The Staff Committee elections take place every 3 years and several staff-representative organisations (trade unions and staff associations (OSPs) [Organisations syndicales et professionnelles]) compete for the votes of all staff. Upcoming elections: Geel, Karlsruhe, Ispra/Seville, Brussels and Outside the EU/Delegations in 2021: Luxembourg and Petten, November 2022.

The Central Staff Committee (CSC) is responsible for representing the interests of all staff of the Commission on all sites. The CSC advises and discusses with the Commission administration almost all issues related to the application of rules on careers, working conditions and social policy. These include promotions, social policy, invalidity, discipline, incompetence, leave on personal grounds, sickness insurance, training and equal opportunities, among other things. This ongoing discussion is called the ‘social dialogue‘. Joint Committees (groups made up of equal numbers of representatives from the administration and the staff committee) deal with many of these issues. Until 2019 the General Secretary of the CSC was a Generation 2004 member.

The 8 Local Staff Committees (LSCs) (Brussels, Luxembourg, Ispra/Seville, Karlsruhe, Petten, Geel, France and Outside the Union (HU) [hors Union]) ensure the protection of our interests and rights locally in relation to: the condition of the buildings and offices in which we work (including open-plan offices), training, leisure and sports clubs, restaurants, security and hygiene, kindergarten, after-school facilities and the European schools.  The LSCs submit suggestions directly to the administration on the organisation and operation of the services provided to staff, the improvement of staff working conditions as well as on general living conditions.


(*) We are unable to find logos for the LSCs in Ispra/Seville, Karlsruhe, Geel, France and Outside the Union.

As always, if you have questions, feel free to contact us.