Commission Representations rotate anticlockwise? II

As we explained in our previous article on this very topic, there is quite a lot of room for improvement in the current annual reshuffling of staff and posts around the world (‘rotation’) in EU Delegations.

To start with, there is no real provision for the rotation of Contractual Agents (CA), who form a substantial part of the staff in Representations[1]. While one could argue that Contractual Agents in Representations are most often local staff who might be less willing to move to another representation (‘rotate’), it seems logical nevertheless to offer such an option for those who might be willing to make a career abroad.

The situation of administrators (ADs) and assistants (ASTs) is, in theory, better. At least there is a rotation exercise every year. What do these colleagues think of the rotation?

The results of the survey confirm the concerns: colleagues are not getting the information they need to make informed decisions. Most colleagues who responded to our survey (61%) experienced difficulties with their rotation and considered the support from DG COMM or DG HR to be enough. In addition, 23% of the respondents were not fully informed about the rules of the rotation exercise and the possibilities which exist to extend their posting[2].

Among the written replies, we read with surprise that a colleague was asked to come back to Brussels for just a few months before their retirement. It is hard to believe that this decision was beneficial for the institution. Other colleagues suggest that the rotation at the Representations should follow the Delegations model.

The other aspects of the survey show a mixed picture check out our corresponding note[3].

The survey was completed by 31 colleagues, mostly (94%) currently working in Representations. Half of the respondents moved with their family. The survey was open between 13/11/2023 and 31/01/2024 (47 working days).

The results of the survey confirm the line taken by Generation 2004. We request DG COMM and DG HR:

  1. explain any steps taken to improve the rotation experience all round.
    1. 05.02.2024 HR response: the local HR strategy will review the rules in the future and will consult staff committees.
    2. We’d like this to be a little more concrete, but for the  moment we  keep it in mind. If any of you hear anything, please get in touch!
  2. provide a description of how the process ensures application of the rotation rules in a transparent way.
    1. 05.02.2024 HR response: extensive and personalised support is available for those rotating. The rules and vacancies are published and transparent.
    2. Our survey results are at odds with these assertions. Is the issue then one of communication? Are the existing rules not being applied or are there gaps in the rules? What is your take on this?
  3. provide a list and criteria for the Representations upgrading the head.
    1. 05.02.2024 HR response: of the 4 examples given, only 1 is permanent and it is in line with Paris. The other 3 relate to geographical balance at senior management level.
    2. We’d like this to be a little more detailed. We will watch how this evolves in future rotations. If any of you hear anything, please get in touch!

Have you different views from those in the survey? As usual, we’d be happy to hear from you.

 If you appreciate our work, please consider becoming a member of Generation 2004.


[1] There are no figures showing staff in Representations and regional offices in the 27 Member States but an idea of numbers can be the 19 vacancies for officials in total for the 2024 rotation. Nevertheless, to get an idea of the proportion of Contract Agents: in October 2023 364 of the 932 DG Communication (COMM) staff were Contract Agents.

[2] Brussels, 31.7.2008 C(2008) 3983 final Commission Decision of 31.7.2008 on establishing Rules on the rotation of officials in Representations.

[3] This note follows up 17.04.2020, 25.05.2020, 10.11.2020, 16.12.2020, 22.03.202119.04.2021 and 27.11.2023. We received a response 05.02.2024 as above.

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