*Update 23.05.2024, COM/AST3/2024 competition exam date will be June 5, 2024. Enrolment on COM AST3 training with follow up sessions are closed. Registration for the self-study option is still open. *Update 02.05.2024 COM/AST3/2024 indicative planning has been updated, but still not precise enough to allow for holiday planning. Continue reading One step forward in our fight: internal competition for AST & AST/SC (+training offer)
Newsletter – 2024-02-28
Your health: seeking transparency and action
At the last meeting of the Local Staff Committee of Brussels, DG HR shared significant data regarding sickness leave and invalidity. They underlined that some of these data require further analysis which they intend to conduct to clarify reasons why, for example, more women than men are reported sick. Continue reading Your health: seeking transparency and action
Commission Representations rotate anticlockwise? II
As we explained in our previous article on this very topic, there is quite a lot of room for improvement in the current annual reshuffling of staff and posts around the world (‘rotation’) in EU Delegations.
To start with, there is no real provision for the rotation of Contractual Agents (CA), who form a substantial part of the staff in Representations[1]. Continue reading Commission Representations rotate anticlockwise? II
Your opinion matters – Canteens and Cafeterias – evaluation survey
*Update 17.04.2024 We continue to pursue a canteen-price-reduction scheme for Brussels, like the long-standing one in Luxembourg. We continue to see very limited progress.*
Original article: The wellbeing of European Commission staff is of paramount importance for Generation 2004. Years after the lifting of pandemic restrictions, Continue reading Your opinion matters – Canteens and Cafeterias – evaluation survey
Social-media guidelines or muzzle?
On 12 June 2023 HR published on the Commission intranet Social media guidelines updated, offering support to staff:Advice on posting about EU matters on personal social media. You might have thought, ‘Excellent, finally I will find out what I can write!’ Well, it might not be as user friendly as it appears to be. Continue reading Social-media guidelines or muzzle?
Conference: transfer-out of pension rights
By popular demand, the pension transfer-out event will take place again in March. The powerpoint is available by email from the Allianz broker. Additional questions from the original presentation (16.01.2024) are added and answered in our transfer-out FAQ. There will be a presentation and then a question and answer session. What does it mean to transfer out of the pension scheme of the European Union institutions (PSEUI)? Who has to do this? What are the options available?
Certification resit options: let’s pool our information!
*Update 30.04.2024 resitters, you have until Friday 17.05.2024 noon (CEST) to register for the certification procedure. If you haven’t received the email, get in touch with them.* Original article: The deadline for making a decision on which exams to resit (or not) is Friday 26.01.2024. As ever, we’re all about making informed decisions. Several of you have got in touch to say that the answers you have received do not match the information in our article Certification resit options: energy efficiency? It is not clear to us whether there is a DG-specific reason for this or whether the answer itself has changed, leaving recipients to try to find whose information is most recent.
Continue reading Certification resit options: let’s pool our information!
Training offer for External Competitions
Generation 2004, in collaboration with Yasemos Europeos, is happy to offer you online training and webinars to assist you with preparing for the external competitions. A discount rate is offered to Generation 2004 members, see below. All seminars will be in English.