The Commission has started a new path to create options for those with children in European Schools (ESS) and, given the structural overcrowding of the four in Brussels, it starts there. In its announcement, the Commission informs of a new agreement allowing children free schooling at the Accredited European School Brussels-Argenteuil in Waterloo, valid from school year 2025/26 onwards in the EN and FR sections. Continue reading European Schools: more options, starting with Brussels
Generation 2004: Your Voice in the European Commission
At the European Commission, staff representation is the cornerstone of ensuring fairness and equality in the workplace. Whether you’re a newcomer or a long-serving colleague, understanding how that representation works and why it matters is essential. Generation 2004 is here to ensure that your voice is heard, that your concerns are addressed, and that your workplace evolves to meet your needs. Continue reading Generation 2004: Your Voice in the European Commission
From Paper to Digital: A voting practice update is necessary
The Joint Research Centre (JRC) is one of the largest directorates-general (DGs) in the Commission. With its scientific profile it takes pride in its innovative and modern endeavours. JRC practices the remote way of working, in line with the Commission guidelines, but also benefits from it to foster cooperation among its multisite structure of 6 locations across Europe.
Continue reading From Paper to Digital: A voting practice update is necessary
Electric vehicle (EV) charging-point disparity
*Update 14.10.2024 Luxembourg-based colleagues, the maximum reimbursement (‘ceiling’) for cross-border commuter passes has been doubled to €500 from 01.10.2024.*
*Update 24.07.2024 the Green Commuting Communication for staff in Brussels mentions the ongoing provision of FREE EV charging there, with no end date in sight. There is no date as yet for EV charging to be made available (free or otherwise) in Luxembourg buildings. The same text proposes to pay Brussels-based colleagues who cycle €100 per year. We asked about provision for other sites, but the response was negative. Why the inconsistency? Mixed messages on greening undermine the whole idea.* Continue reading Electric vehicle (EV) charging-point disparity
Immobile remboursements via
*Update 24.10.2024 We’re aware of OIB now accepting cross-border commuter passes reimbursement requests via myPMO, but Luxembourg-based colleagues are to use the same method as before.*
Original article: Brussels-based officials, temporary staff or Contract Agents, Generation 2004 has heard your dissatisfaction regarding the process of (partial) ticket reimbursement via loud and clear…
Picture this: You enrolled[1] in the system all those months ago and have had to wait until your third monthly ticket expires before being eligible to submit a request for the Commission to contribute to your travel costs. Continue reading Immobile remboursements via
Your opinion matters – Canteens and Cafeterias – evaluation survey
*Update 17.04.2024 We continue to pursue a canteen-price-reduction scheme for Brussels, like the long-standing one in Luxembourg. We continue to see very limited progress.*
Original article: The wellbeing of European Commission staff is of paramount importance for Generation 2004. Years after the lifting of pandemic restrictions, Continue reading Your opinion matters – Canteens and Cafeterias – evaluation survey
Belgian tax certificate: childcare costs for 2023
*Deadline extended to Friday 19.01.2024* Parents in Belgium: if you are in a household subject to Belgian taxation and you wish to benefit from the tax reduction in accordance with Belgian legislation you need to request this via MyIntracomm, it is not automatic. Please don’t miss out on what you’re entitled to! Continue reading Belgian tax certificate: childcare costs for 2023
Is e-voting the right tool for the JRC?
*Update 23.07.2024 HR says its not feasible to have e-voting at Geel and Karlsruhe, once more money is cited as a factor, are we surprised?*
Original article: Digitalisation is everywhere: we pay electronically, we get our news and movies digitally and we even meet online. While some types of human interaction would, ideally, never be replaced, many routine administrative activities can certainly benefit from going digital. Nevertheless, it’s important to include those who will use new systems and procedures in the decision-making process: while we might save on queuing with e-Voting, are we maybe missing out somewhere else? Continue reading Is e-voting the right tool for the JRC?
Breaking Barriers: AST/SC colleagues may change function group?
*Update 04.01.2024: The AST1 and 3 competitions which will be open to AST/SC colleagues originally promised for December is now for January. Follow all internal competitions here.* Original article: While we are thrilled to announce that our efforts have contributed to the announcement by DG HR, that in future, colleagues might have the opportunity to change function groups through internal competitions, it remains to be seen whether this inclusiveness is genuine or something which exists in theory only. The wording of the announcement is for movement ‘within each function group’ but it does also mention specialised competitions which might include a ‘wider mix of staff categories and function groups’; a measured success.
Continue reading Breaking Barriers: AST/SC colleagues may change function group?
Grange childcare: loss of trust!
The European Commission has many sites, some bigger ones, like Brussels, Luxembourg and Ispra, some smaller ones like the smaller JRC sites (Karlsruhe, Geel, Seville) or the satellite site in Grange, Ireland (technically part of Brussels) – home to directorate F (‘Health and food audits and analysis’) of DG SANTE and some colleagues from DGT – not to forget the support staff from the different offices. Continue reading Grange childcare: loss of trust!