Newsletter – 2024-04-11

Newsletter editorial – 11-04-2024


Welcome to the fourth edition of the Generation 2004 newsletter for 2024! In this edition, we celebrate the creative spirit of our community, as Generation 2004 proudly awarded three colleagues for their ‘Coolest Picture‘ contest and are happy that due to our efforts, HR will raise quotas for Contractual agents (3a) reclassification. Moreover, we delve into the need for reform of the European School education system.  Also read about transition from a culture of trust to a control-oriented one and updates on electric vehicles.  Finally, check the response from DG HR to our note on the cancellation of funds for Own Initiative Training (OIT) and find challenges to break the daily routine.  So, that’s it for this time.  Enjoy the reading and get in touch if you believe we can help!

Looking for new & exciting challenges?

Did you know that there are some Commission-wide initiatives in which you can take part if you wish to break the daily routine, share your knowledge and experience? You may become an ECMentor, if you have at least 15 years of experience in the organisation, a genuine interest in others and wish to help new colleagues to develop.  Continue reading Looking for new & exciting challenges?

Advocacy bearing fruit: administration boosts reclassification quotas

We are happy to announce that in response to our note and collective effort with the central staff committee (CSC), HR has finally taken a significant step forward in improving the career prospects of contact agents (CA) engaged under Article 3a of the Conditions of Employment of Other servants (CEOS)[1]. The quotas available to promote (’reclassify’) CA3a staff are to increase. Continue reading Advocacy bearing fruit: administration boosts reclassification quotas

Operation Hiver – Winter is over

*Update 15.10.2024, while we did receive a response from HR it did not provide the requested figures, we are following up on this. In the meantime, please continue to complain to your proximity team (Brussels/Luxembourg) if you suspect that your work area is below the minimum[*]: leave a paper trail!*

Original article: Winter is over and we have not yet received a reply to our note to HR and OIB/OIL asking for the year of data on office temperatures. Continue reading Operation Hiver – Winter is over

European Schools – It’s not about asking for extra budget

Some of the problems of European Schools are difficult to solve: perhaps the biggest are the lack of career perspectives in general for the teachers (but particularly for those recruited locally e.g. in Ispra) requiring a structural organizational change, and the long-standing overcrowding in Brussels requiring substantial investment. But, it’s not simply enough to throw money at the problems, greater reform is needed to future-proof the European School education system. Continue reading European Schools – It’s not about asking for extra budget

From culture of trust to control freak

HR has stated its intention for the new time-registration tool to allow for comparison with office badging data at DG level: is this a solution in search of a problem?

One of the pillars of the Decision on working time and hybrid working (WTHW) is the culture of trust: a word used repeatedly at the December town hall. At the end of the day, staff are responsible for drafting European law, managing European funds and responding to the needs of the general public and Members States. A large part of European staff perform basically intellectual work; they are information workers and this can be difficult to quantify on a daily basis: only by the results in the mid and long term. Continue reading From culture of trust to control freak

Electric vehicle (EV) charging-point disparity

*Update 14.10.2024 Luxembourg-based colleagues, the maximum reimbursement (‘ceiling’) for cross-border commuter passes has been doubled to €500 from 01.10.2024.*

*Update 24.07.2024 the Green Commuting Communication for staff in Brussels mentions the ongoing provision of FREE EV charging there, with no end date in sight. There is no date as yet for EV charging to be made available (free or otherwise) in Luxembourg buildings. The same text proposes to pay Brussels-based colleagues who cycle €100 per year. We asked about provision for other sites, but the response was negative. Why the inconsistency? Mixed messages on greening undermine the whole idea.* Continue reading Electric vehicle (EV) charging-point disparity

Own-initiative training: You are, in fact, on your own

*Update 09.04.2024 we have received a response to our note below from HR: the own-initiative training budget is very limited but special leave might still be available as a contribution to your OIT. Please use all your options!*

Original article: If you work for the Commission and you would like to keep up with developments in your area of expertise, or to acquire new skills to help you in your work, you are in for an unpleasant surprise. Up until recently, the Commission would contribute to the fees of a successful course, making it easier to take the decision to acquire university or other qualifications later in your career – especially for colleagues at the lower end of the pay scales. Continue reading Own-initiative training: You are, in fact, on your own