It’s that time of year again and several of you have got in touch to say that your workspace is below the legal minimum temperature of 19°C in Brussels and 20°C in Luxembourg. We raise this point everywhere we can, but so far it is falling on deaf ears. What can we all do about it? We ask you to make some noise. Please contact your proximity team [1] every time you suspect that your work area is below the minimum temperature.
office temperatures
Operation Hiver – Winter is over
*Update 15.10.2024, while we did receive a response from HR it did not provide the requested figures, we are following up on this. In the meantime, please continue to complain to your proximity team (Brussels/Luxembourg) if you suspect that your work area is below the minimum[*]: leave a paper trail!*
Original article: Winter is over and we have not yet received a reply to our note to HR and OIB/OIL asking for the year of data on office temperatures. Continue reading Operation Hiver – Winter is over
Operation Hiver – a contest for the coolest picture
*Update 09.04.2024, here are the results of our contest, thanks to all who participated!*
*Update 08.03.2024 the gendered aspect of this debate has been around for a long time, we see no evidence that it is being addressed, please get in touch if you’ve seen anything to counter this! Overcooling of offices reveals gender inequity in thermal comfort. and Here’s Why Your Office May Be Too Hot or Cold: Gender Bias.*
*Update 14.12.2023 As promised below, here is our note to HR and OIB/OIL asking for the year of data on office temperatures.*
Original article: Winter is coming. The official rhetoric is that the EU is committed to ambitious environmental goals Continue reading Operation Hiver – a contest for the coolest picture
Feeling desperate in hotdesking? Just bring a dog!
*Update 11.04.2024 the HR evaluation of this event was made available 21.02.2024 (> 4 months after the event) it was shared with the health and safety committee Brussels (CPPT) before publication and we await their opinion. The project was generally well received (though polarising), did indeed incur costs and is now described as a pilot project[1].* Continue reading Feeling desperate in hotdesking? Just bring a dog!
Winter is coming – and with it come new guidelines on workwear for the office
*Update 24.11.2023, please open a ticket if you find yourself working in a place that is cold and you suspect that the temperature is below the set minimum for your site: leave a papertrail.**Update 18.11.2022 many buildings will be closed between Christmas and New Year.* *Check out the 16.11.2022 video explaining the heating system* Original article: If you have not already experienced them yourself over the summer, you all have by now at least heard some rumours. ‘Which rumours?’, you ask, there are so many! Continue reading Winter is coming – and with it come new guidelines on workwear for the office