
Where Has All the Money Gone?

As Generation 2004, we have always stood for fairness, transparency, and the well-being of staff. Today, we must address the grim reality of the European Commission’s cost-saving measures and the devastating impact they have had on staff members and the workplace environment. Billions have been saved, but at what cost?

Continue reading Where Has All the Money Gone?

Upholding flexibility offered by Third-party option in Mobility.net  

*Update 24.10.2024 We’re aware of OIB now accepting cross-border commuter passes reimbursement requests via myPMO, but Luxembourg-based colleagues are to use the same method as before.*

*Update 15.07.2024 Check out ‘A new tool for reimbursement’ in the Brussels Green Commuting Communication on MyIntracomm. It promises reimbursement of Brussels transport tickets without having to wait for them to expire. Have you managed to do this? Please let us know!*

Continue reading Upholding flexibility offered by Third-party option in Mobility.net  

Electric vehicle (EV) charging-point disparity

*Update 14.10.2024 Luxembourg-based colleagues, the maximum reimbursement (‘ceiling’) for cross-border commuter passes has been doubled to €500 from 01.10.2024.*

*Update 24.07.2024 the Green Commuting Communication for staff in Brussels mentions the ongoing provision of FREE EV charging there, with no end date in sight. There is no date as yet for EV charging to be made available (free or otherwise) in Luxembourg buildings. The same text proposes to pay Brussels-based colleagues who cycle €100 per year. We asked about provision for other sites, but the response was negative. Why the inconsistency? Mixed messages on greening undermine the whole idea.* Continue reading Electric vehicle (EV) charging-point disparity

‘Balance’ or walking a tightrope? Greening the Commission

*Update 09.10.2023 please participate in the Commission survey on the environmental impact of teleworking: deadline 11.10.2023. These emmissions must also be counted in greening the Commission!*

Original article: In the context of the recent COP26 in Glasgow, where it is stated that 197 countries reached a ‘balanced’ agreement’, we give you an update on the latest social dialogue on greening the Commission: reaching climate neutrality by 2030. Generation 2004 already raised many of these issues in October 2020 and requested a social dialogue then.  Continue reading ‘Balance’ or walking a tightrope? Greening the Commission

Flooding in Europe: EU Staff COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund team and EU Staff for Climate

Our colleagues in the EU Staff COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund team and EU Staff for Climate have taken the initiative of setting up a dedicated fundraiser for communities affected by the recent devastating floods unleashed by climate change in Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands and Luxembourg and further afield as the storm moved southwards. Continue reading Flooding in Europe: EU Staff COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund team and EU Staff for Climate

The ‘new normal’: is this it?

*Update 20.07.2021: Check out the MyIntracomm discussion below Towards more attractive and flexible working conditions: Staff working arrangements: major changes in the pipeline*

The Working time and hybrid working decision sets out the proposed ‘new normal’ with an invitation to discuss this with the trade unions and staff associations (OSPs) in a social dialogue on 30 June. Here are the current Working time and flexitime rules  and their corresponding frequently asked questions (FAQs) for comparison. Continue reading The ‘new normal’: is this it?

New HR Strategy – Modernisation or opportunism? The European Green Deal and the multi-annual financial framework (MFF)

Contrary to what we might expect during the COVID-19 health crisis, DG HR is moving forward with its “new HR strategy” regardless. Although for Generation 2004 it is unclear what the concrete improvements of the previous HR reform launched by Commissioner Kristalina Georgieva were: the most visible outcome was the creation of centralised AMCs. According to DG HR, the past staff surveys should provide quite a good understanding of that HR reform: now that is an innovative way to do an assessment of a policy, one could say. Continue reading New HR Strategy – Modernisation or opportunism? The European Green Deal and the multi-annual financial framework (MFF)

Cycling allowance

*Update 28.10.2024: the Commission proposes to pay Brussels-based colleagues who cycle €100 per year as  part of its green commuting plan. We asked about provision for other sites, but the response was negative.*

Original article: EASME , one the Commission’s Executive agencies has started offering its staff a financial contribution for cycling to work. Congratulations to the agency and its enlightened director!  Continue reading Cycling allowance

Let’s join the European march for Future on Friday 6 March!

Everyone counts to make our voice loud and clear to encourage our leaders to take bold steps in the fight against climate change and biodiversity loss, as they are finalising the Climate Law, negotiating the next MFF and so much more!

You may know it already, Greta Thumberg, accompanied by Anuna De Wever and Adélaïde Charlier, of Youth for Climate, will lead the march! Continue reading Let’s join the European march for Future on Friday 6 March!