Where Has All the Money Gone?

As Generation 2004, we have always stood for fairness, transparency, and the well-being of staff. Today, we must address the grim reality of the European Commission’s cost-saving measures and the devastating impact they have had on staff members and the workplace environment. Billions have been saved, but at what cost?

Continue reading Where Has All the Money Gone?

EEAS: Frozen diplomacy – When 17°C in some offices meets european bureaucracy

Imagine this: you’re walking through the halls of the EEAS Belmont building in Brussels. It’s a cold day—no surprise there. But this isn’t the sort of chill you expect from a brisk Brussels winter.  No, this is a bone-rattling cold that makes you wish you had packed a sleeping bag, thermal socks, and perhaps a few extra layers of diplomacy…

Continue reading EEAS: Frozen diplomacy – When 17°C in some offices meets european bureaucracy

Brussels Childcare Colleagues: Essential role in shaping our children’s development

Generation 2004 is keeping an eye on the ongoing issues at the interinstitutional after-school childcare for the children of staff. The After-school childcare Brussels (Accueil Pédagogique Post-Scholaire (APPS)) is marred by significant issues affecting a part of its staff, who are undervalued and underpaid despite their crucial roles.

Continue reading Brussels Childcare Colleagues: Essential role in shaping our children’s development

Electric vehicle (EV) charging-point disparity

*Update 14.10.2024 Luxembourg-based colleagues, the maximum reimbursement (‘ceiling’) for cross-border commuter passes has been doubled to €500 from 01.10.2024.*

*Update 24.07.2024 the Green Commuting Communication for staff in Brussels mentions the ongoing provision of FREE EV charging there, with no end date in sight. There is no date as yet for EV charging to be made available (free or otherwise) in Luxembourg buildings. The same text proposes to pay Brussels-based colleagues who cycle €100 per year. We asked about provision for other sites, but the response was negative. Why the inconsistency? Mixed messages on greening undermine the whole idea.* Continue reading Electric vehicle (EV) charging-point disparity

Immobile remboursements via Mobility.net

*Update 24.10.2024 We’re aware of OIB now accepting cross-border commuter passes reimbursement requests via myPMO, but Luxembourg-based colleagues are to use the same method as before.*

Original article: Brussels-based officials, temporary staff or Contract Agents, Generation 2004 has heard your dissatisfaction regarding the process of (partial) ticket reimbursement via Mobility.net loud and clear…

Picture this: You enrolled[1] in the Mobility.net system all those months ago and have had to wait until your third monthly ticket expires before being eligible to submit a request for the Commission to contribute to your travel costs. Continue reading Immobile remboursements via Mobility.net

Belgian tax certificate: childcare costs for 2023

*Deadline extended to Friday 19.01.2024* Parents in Belgium: if you are in a household subject to Belgian taxation and you wish to benefit from the tax reduction in accordance with Belgian legislation you need to request this via MyIntracomm, it is not automatic. Please don’t miss out on what you’re entitled to! Continue reading Belgian tax certificate: childcare costs for 2023

Grange childcare follow up

*Update 06.12.2023: here are building closures and alternatives in Brussels, but we don’t (yet) see equivalent information for other places of work e.g. Grange or Luxembourg. Remember you have the right to work from the office 100% if you so wish (and you are prepared for the temperatures there).* Continue reading Grange childcare follow up

Grange childcare: loss of trust!

The European Commission has many sites, some bigger ones, like Brussels, Luxembourg and Ispra, some smaller ones like the smaller JRC sites (Karlsruhe, Geel, Seville) or the satellite site in Grange, Ireland (technically part of Brussels) – home to directorate F (‘Health and food audits and analysis’) of DG SANTE and some colleagues from DGT – not to forget the support staff from the different offices. Continue reading Grange childcare: loss of trust!

Evaluations of working time and hybrid working so far

*Update 13.12.2023 Here is the official evaluation of working time and hybrid working and our experience of the corresponding ‘town-hall’ meeting. Do you agree with the conclusions?* Original article: It’s been a year since the implementation of the working time and hybrid working (WTHW) decision (entered into force 01.04.2022). The only official feedback sought during this time are the Pulse surveys of June 2022 and February 2023 (comparative) which show increasing satisfaction on  every single point measured, from flexible working overall to physical working arrangements in the office to impact on work-life balance and impact on trust within the organisation. Are you surprised? We were surprised. Continue reading Evaluations of working time and hybrid working so far