
Reinforcing mobility for contract agents 

Generation2004 has taken a closer look at the potential to change post or DG (‘mobility’) of Contract Agents (both permanent 3A and non-permanent 3B), triggered by the feedback from our members. We are astonished how restrictive and inflexible the system continues to be. We are convinced that a lack of mobility in general hampers career growth which can lead to frustration, demotivation, burnout and contribute to long periods of medical leave. A change is needed! 

Continue reading Reinforcing mobility for contract agents 

Eismea’s Latest Adventure: A Mission to the US or Losing Staff Trust Forever?

Ah, the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (Eismea). Just when we thought things couldn’t get any more exciting (read: Eismea: when better becomes worse | Generation 2004), we’re hit with yet another plot twist: the publishing of a new position that has everyone scratching their heads.  It’s like that moment in a movie where the villain turns out to be… Continue reading Eismea’s Latest Adventure: A Mission to the US or Losing Staff Trust Forever?

Advocacy bearing fruit: administration boosts reclassification quotas

We are happy to announce that in response to our note and collective effort with the central staff committee (CSC), HR has finally taken a significant step forward in improving the career prospects of contact agents (CA) engaged under Article 3a of the Conditions of Employment of Other servants (CEOS)[1]. The quotas available to promote (’reclassify’) CA3a staff are to increase. Continue reading Advocacy bearing fruit: administration boosts reclassification quotas

Eismea: when better becomes worse

The situation at the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (Eismea)[1] is no bedtime story – staff reductions, reorganisation, unfinished offices, a car park which is unsafe for bikes[2], and where most of the parking spots remain occupied with bulky office furniture, platoons of builders roaming the building without displaying identification: a fundamental requirement under the current alert level to which all Commission buildings are subject. Continue reading Eismea: when better becomes worse

Generation 2004 supports staff in agencies

The staff of the Executive agencies of the European Commission (currently CINEA, EACEA, HADEA, Eismea, ERCEA and REA) have seen their working conditions deteriorate over the years.[1] Colleagues in the agencies are facing staff reductions while the budgets that they manage increase regularly. All this in a context of precariousness and limited career and mobility possibilities! Continue reading Generation 2004 supports staff in agencies

Staff in Executive Agencies need your support! Will you dare to care?

*Update 06.10.2022 Berlaymont pickpockets (note, July 2022 training on dealing with pickpockets is no longer available)* The Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in Brussels (OIB) recently informed three executive agencies: the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (Eismea), the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HADEA) and the European Research Executive Agency (REA) of its intention to move them from the Covent Garden building to the North Light building close to the Brussels-North train station. The staff committees in the agencies strongly oppose this move, citing both security and operational reasons[1]. Press articles on the security problems in the area:  Continue reading Staff in Executive Agencies need your support! Will you dare to care?

Remote-working precedent: a workaround or a can of worms?

In January a call for expression of interest presented the possibility to work in a DG Health and Food Safety (SANTE [1]) unit in Luxembourg from any Commission site ‘for about six months’. As stated in the email, the initial Luxembourg-wide call had been unsuccessful, so this was a ‘plan B’ of sorts in these difficult times, a workaround.

Unfortunately, this quick fix opens a can of worms (there are so many issues here we almost didn’t know where to begin, hence the delay in writing this article. If you spot any additional issues, please feel free to get in touch and we’ll add them to this list!) Continue reading Remote-working precedent: a workaround or a can of worms?

CHAFEA risking massive loss of expertise

So far, only one third of our remaining colleagues from the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency (Chafea) have declared their intention to move with their job to Brussels. This leaves two thirds to either change their mind or find an alternative and the clock is ticking (the 2-month deadline for staff to make a decision is fast approaching: accept the transfer or refuse?). Continue reading CHAFEA risking massive loss of expertise

Chafea II: the final countdown?

After 15 years, from Luxembourg to Brussels in 7 months, really?

Remover Roma con Santiago [a Spanish idiom for the greatest possible effort – Ed.] but for what gain? Where is the win-win?

Out of the blue, in the middle of the worldwide Covid-19 health crisis lockdown and despite a reassuring draft work-programme promising growth and modernisation (4 May), our colleagues in the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency (Chafea) received the news that Chafea (Luxembourg, the only executive agency based outside Brussels) is to be disbanded and its programmes reabsorbed by Brussels in the space of 8 months (of which less than 6 are now left). Continue reading Chafea II: the final countdown?