
‘Contract agents collective’ petition: to sign or not to sign?  

Many of you will have recently received a message from a ‘contract agents collective’ and lots are reaching out to us for more details on this initiative and to ask whether we recommend signing the petition. Despite some informal, last-minute communication, this petition has come a little out of the blue to us. 

Continue reading Contract Agents collective’ petition: to sign or not to sign?  

Please take action: European Parliament petition in support of Contract Agents

*Update 29.01.2024, the petition has been closed with no clear follow-up. We have contacted the Parliament for clarification.* Original article: Please sign the European Parliament (EP) Contract Agent petition: let’s make some noise!  Petition No 0117/2021 has been on the go since 2021 and needs your input to keep moving! Let’s make a push in this, a brand new year, to get as many signatures as possible! The issues listed are as relevant today as they were when the petition was first opened: there has been no meaningful improvement. Please don’t let this action disappear through lack of support, we need momentum! This petition is open to everyone everywhere: let’s show our solidarity! Please register at the EP website and sign the petition there. Share this petition anywhere you can, we need to get those numbers up!

Continue reading Please take action: European Parliament petition in support of Contract Agents

EEAS: discriminatory treatment of AST/SC staff

Unfortunately, we have yet another example of circumstances where our secretary and clerk (AST/SC) colleagues are again treated unfairly, this time not within the Commission itself, but in the European External Action Service (EEAS) with its 144 EU Delegations around the world, specifically when it comes to applying for jobs there (‘postings’). We remind you that AST/SC is the smallest, most restricted and newest of all three function groups for officials, it’s been around only 8 years: it was created by the 2014 staff regulation reform. Continue reading EEAS: discriminatory treatment of AST/SC staff

When is an upgrade not an upgrade? An update on the Picard case

*Update 23.06.2023 the Commission is to apply the judgment, but not to officials.* *Update 19.12.2022 C-366/21 P was successful! Well done to everyone involved! Here’s an external evaluation of the case and our own update.*

Original article: Legally speaking, is a contract renewal really a contract renewal? Is a second (or subsequent) contract considered to be a new stand-alone agreement or is it a continuation of an already-existing agreement? Given that Contract Agents (CAs) are now 25% of Commission staff [1] Continue reading When is an upgrade not an upgrade? An update on the Picard case

The Contract Agent petition is still open: you can still register and sign!

The European Parliament (EP), accepting our petition No. 0117/2021 on the contract agent (CA) precariat in the European Commission, asked the Commission for more explanations on the CA work situation. We’ve received a surprising reply with standard arguments (see ‘notice to members’). As a result, we want to relaunch our petition now, showing our reasoning, making our arguments even more specific than ever before! Continue reading The Contract Agent petition is still open: you can still register and sign!

Update on our AST/SC petition to the European Parliament

Unfortunately our petition No. 1243/2021 to stop the unfair treatment of AST/SC staff is no longer making progress at the European Parliament. While this AST/SC petition is stopped, our petition on Contract Agents is still live so, if you haven’t done so already, please add your signature! The EP does not allow us to transfer signatures, so even if you signed the original petition please also sign the one at the EP: add your voice to the others already there! Continue reading Update on our AST/SC petition to the European Parliament

Staff in Executive Agencies need your support! Will you dare to care?

*Update 06.10.2022 Berlaymont pickpockets (note, July 2022 training on dealing with pickpockets is no longer available)* The Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in Brussels (OIB) recently informed three executive agencies: the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (Eismea), the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HADEA) and the European Research Executive Agency (REA) of its intention to move them from the Covent Garden building to the North Light building close to the Brussels-North train station. The staff committees in the agencies strongly oppose this move, citing both security and operational reasons[1]. Press articles on the security problems in the area:  Continue reading Staff in Executive Agencies need your support! Will you dare to care?

Ukraine: concrete action

Numerous colleagues asking how to help the people of Ukraine contacted us.

That is why we tried to put together a non-exhaustive list of initiatives run by government or non-government organizations aiming to provide assistance to the Ukrainian people such as food, medicines, medical equipment, accommodation, transportation, financial donation, family reunification, asylum, temporary protection, etc.

Continue reading Ukraine: concrete action

Please support colleagues in Kyiv, Ukraine

*Please sign to support our note on action to take for our Kyiv colleagues* The war  on Ukraine by the Russian Federation, which started on Thursday 24 February, will have a dramatic impact on the lives of our colleagues employed in Ukraine. We know that the EEAS formed a crisis-management working group for the emergency evacuation from Kabul in 2021. Generation 2004 would like to enquire whether similar arrangements have been put in place in Ukraine, if not, we strongly recommend to do it. Continue reading Please support colleagues in Kyiv, Ukraine

Please take action: sign (again) our petition in support of Contract Agents!

Remember our petition in support of Contract Agents from 2020? The one that closed 27.11.2020 with 1 415 signatures? (Thanks very much for your support!) We have one more task to ask of you! The petition is with the European Parliament (EP) and needs your input to keep moving! We need you to register at the EP website and sign the petition there. Continue reading Please take action: sign (again) our petition in support of Contract Agents!