workplace bullying and harassment

It’s all about our rights!

*Update 28.10.2024 we’ve added a status on the case(s) at the bottom of this article. Thank you all for your support!*

Original article: We start with a story[1]. There was once an EU Member State whose government was repeatedly named as a cause for concern with regards to its record on the rule of law (2020, European Parliament), the rights of women (2022, UN) and those of minorities (2022, Amnesty International) That government was also named as a cause of concern with regards to allegations of oppressing independent journalists and media freedom (2023, MFRR)[2]. Continue reading It’s all about our rights!

TAXUD’s Alarming Decline in Staff Well-being: A Call for Immediate Action

*Update 06.06.2024: our efforts have paid off.*
The recently published 2023 staff survey results paint a bleak picture of the state of affairs within DG Taxation and Customs Union (TAXUD), particularly concerning the prevention of psychological harassment (‘bullying’ or ‘mobbing’) and sexual harassment. Continue reading TAXUD’s Alarming Decline in Staff Well-being: A Call for Immediate Action

Harassment package: next steps

*Update 27.05.2024 EU Whosiwho still lists the Chief Confidential Counsellor role as empty. Also, check out these videos How to tell if you’re being bullied at work? and Workplace bullying. There is also another support network available., in addition to the Harassment Watch Network.*

Original article:  We provide an update on the new anti-harassment package. We had a political consultation with Commissioner Hahn on 12.07.2023, concluding the series of the social dialogue meetings (started January 2023 [1]) to draft the new decision on the prevention of and fight against psychological[2] and sexual harassment. This last meeting underlined the political will and the commitment to make a difference regarding the anti-harassment package, which text of which will now be submitted for decision. Continue reading Harassment package: next steps

Have you been IDOC(ed)?

*Update 27.08.2024: Check out the the 2023 IDOC report.*

Original article: You have probably already asked yourself: What is IDOC? What is a difference between an administrative inquiry and disciplinary procedure? What are possible sanctions? Will I be treated fairly?

IDOC stands for Investigation and Disciplinary Office of the Commission [1]. (Nearly) everything that the IDOC does is secret. Continue reading Have you been IDOC(ed)?

The new anti-harassment package: status

On Friday 24 March 2023 we had the last social dialogue (SD) meeting to finalise the revising of the first draft of the new Commission Decision on the prevention of and fight against sexual and psychological harassment. It’s been two intense months! HR shared the first draft of the new anti-harassment framework on 21 December 2022 (15:17 on the second-last working day of the year), with the corresponding SD starting 12 January 2023. The OSPs and the administration/HR had almost weekly meetings of around 2 hours to discuss this draft decision article by article. Continue reading The new anti-harassment package: status

A new publication: workplace bullying and harassment

*Update 20.11.2024 the question of how to distinguish between bullying and conflict has been brought up a couple of times lately so we link to an explanation here.*  Original article: Our colleagues in the Harassment Watch Network (HWN) have published yet another study on bullying at the Commission, this time a collection of personal stories recounting the toxic situations lived and endured by our co-workers, our team mates, our collaborators. Continue reading A new publication: workplace bullying and harassment

2023 appraisal and promotion/reclassification exercises conference

*Update 27.01.2023, we assisted 274 colleagues with their evaluation text. The link to register is no longer functional*

We found one more reason not to use the new option of transferring the report from the previous year: ad hoc input from panels and committees might need to be updated and the transfer does not allow for any modifications.

Also, here is the guidance that used to be available within sysper for the first 3 sections of the appraisal (please use Firefox or Edge). * Continue reading 2023 appraisal and promotion/reclassification exercises conference

An update on workplace bullying and harassment

*Update 20.11.2024 the question of how to distinguish between bullying and conflict has been brought up a couple of times lately so we link to an explanation here.*

Original article: Have you ever been harassed? Or have you ever had the impression you might be harassed? Have you ever witnessed something that didn’t sit right with you and didn’t know what to do? What exactly is harassment or bullying? Note that in the Commission the terms ‘bullying’ and ‘harassment’ are used to mean the same thing: an often-present phenomenon in all personal, educational and professional contexts. Continue reading An update on workplace bullying and harassment

Time for the Commission to focus on inclusion: cancer survivors

Generation 2004 strongly supports colleagues in the EU institutions affected by cancer, just as we support colleagues with any important issue impacting their physical and/or mental health. As the Commission has been in the process of revising its HR strategy for almost 2 years now, it is high time to put in place a new policy to better cater for the needs of cancer survivors and their families and the needs of all colleagues whose complex situations are not well covered by the current patchwork of rules [1]. Continue reading Time for the Commission to focus on inclusion: cancer survivors