
Free Training – EPSO AD7 Scientific Research (10 fields)

*Update 12/11/2024.  Here are the recording and the slides of the session. Generation 2004, in collaboration with Yasemos Europeos, is offering for free and for all staff, an online webinar to assist you in preparing for the EPSO competition – AD7 Scientific Research competitions (10 fields).  You will get tips for the application process and an analysis of the tests. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions after the presentation. The session will be in English.
Continue reading Free Training – EPSO AD7 Scientific Research (10 fields)

Time to put an end to the career blockage of AST/SC staff

*Update 21.11.2024 check out the European Court of Auditors, 2024, Special report 24/2024EU Civil service – A flexible employment framework, insufficiently used to improve workforce management: it concludes that ‘…the institutions do not focus on imbalances in the SC and AST function groups in their analysis, and concentrate instead on the AD group, and in particular the starting grades (AD5-AD8).‘ (P. 51) Check out their corresponding chart on p.51. Why on Earth focus efforts on part of a function group?[*] Where’s the global vision? Why tackle the hard stuff?* Continue reading Time to put an end to the career blockage of AST/SC staff

Training offer for EPSO Competitions

Generation 2004, in collaboration with Yasemos Europeos, is happy to offer you online training for EPSO competitions with a special discount rate for our members.  The offer includes modules on Self-study Multiple Choice Questionnaires (MCQ) and reasoning Computer Based Tests (CBT).  All training modules will be in English.

Continue reading Training offer for EPSO Competitions

One step forward in our fight: internal competition for AST & AST/SC (+training offer)

*Update 23.05.2024, COM/AST3/2024 competition exam date will be June 5, 2024. Enrolment on COM AST3 training with follow up sessions are closed. Registration for the self-study option is still open.  *Update 02.05.2024 COM/AST3/2024 indicative planning has been updated, but still not precise enough to allow for holiday planning. Continue reading One step forward in our fight: internal competition for AST & AST/SC (+training offer)

Training offer for External Competitions

Generation 2004, in collaboration with Yasemos Europeos, is happy to offer you online training and webinars to assist you with preparing for the external competitions.  A discount rate is offered to Generation 2004 members, see below.  All seminars will be in English.

Continue reading Training offer for External Competitions

Training offer for external competitions and certification

*Update 15.01.2024 additional dates for Certification dates added below.* Original article: we offer (in collaboration with Yasemos Europeos) online training to assist you in preparing for external (EPSO) competitions and certification.

For AD7 competition, you can benefit  from a special discount if you are a member of  Generation 2004. Before you register, ask for the special discount code to our secretariat.

You can find the video recording and the PowerPoint presentation of the free webinar here.

Continue reading Training offer for external competitions and certification

Training offer for certification & internal competitions

*Update 15.12.2023, check out our 2024 training.* Generation 2004, in collaboration with Yasemos Europeos, is offering online trainings and webinars to assist you in preparing for the Certification exercise and internal competitions.

There is a special price for all participants to  the certification  training.  The talent screener  webinar is free for all staff.

You can find the video recording and the PowerPoint presentation of the free webinar here.

Continue reading Training offer for certification & internal competitions

One more pension pitfall, or how the Commission fails to keep up

*Update 20.11.2024 We add this cross reference in relation to questions received. Even though the PSEUI does not recognise pension contributions ‘gifted’ by national schemes, it deals with non-work-related pension contributions made to its own system differently: see question 4 General pension FAQs*

Original article: It’s been some time now (in many cases decades) since it became possible to have pension contributions made on your behalf in many Member States while you are not working. These ‘gifted’ contributions might cover periods of long-term sickness, of unemployment, military service[1] or of caring responsibilities, depending on the national authority. Continue reading One more pension pitfall, or how the Commission fails to keep up

Internal competitions: AST/SC2, AST2, AD6, 7, 9, 12

Generation 2004 in cooperation with the company YSE will offer a  workshop-webinar on the application process for internal competitions  (AST/SC2, AST2, AD6, AD7, AD9, AD12). We will focus on practical aspects of the application, work experience requirements, tips for the talent for those competitions which have it and the most common mistakes done by the candidates.   At the end, micros will be open for your questions. Continue reading Internal competitions: AST/SC2, AST2, AD6, 7, 9, 12