Meet up in Seville! 20-23.02.2024

*Update 21.02.2024: we are available at 001/A40 all day if you want to drop by and talk to us.* Original article: Generation 2004 colleagues from many different Commission sites will be in Seville from Tuesday (20. 02.2024) to Friday (23.02.2024). We will update this page with dates, times and places. Come along and tell us what you think needs to improve, what’s not working or even what you see as going well. What would you like to see change? How about how well JRC topics and tasks are distributed between the JRC sites? Come and tell us about the new JRC building plans and what they mean for you. We can tell you about the recent building moves elsewhere and what questions we need to ask.

How are your experiences of the certification exercise? How will the Revitalising the JRC Strategy 2030 impact your work?

Generation 2004 will host events open to all staff.

  • The first meeting + drop-in session will take place on Tuesday 20 February from 13:15 onwards

This will be in a hybrid format: Room 100 (MACHADO) or webex (link to follow).

We plan to discuss some of these topics with you (but feel free to suggest others in advance):

Of course, any other topic that you might want to discuss can also be raised during the meeting.

We will be available for the whole afternoon in that same room (or we can come and visit you/call you).

  • The second drop-in session will take place on Wednesday 21 February all day

Room: 001/A40 

Feel free to drop by or to email us to book a specific time or to speak with someone on a specific topic or in confidence. We can come and visit you/call you: get in touch!

If you appreciate our work, please consider becoming a member of Generation 2004.

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