*Update 20.01.2025, we’ve closed the list for reviewing your appraisal text with you. If you still want out help please send us an email.*
Original article: We publish this early enough for you to make a start on listing your achievements, training and highlights throughout 2023 to avoid you having to hit the ground running in January. This conference explains the evaluation process and offers tips. Join us Tuesday, 9 January 2024, 12:00-13:30. We cover how to prepare your self-assessment and your one-on-one interview with your line manager (‘reporting officer’) [1] this is applicable both to the promotion (officials) and reclassification (Contract Agents, except 3b)[2].
You can find the video recording and the
PowerPoint presentation of the conference here.
Where do I start with drafting my evaluation?
For those of you wanting to make a start on this now (we salute you, well done!) look at the recommendations made in your last evaluation (if you have one) and note the 3 assessment criteria:
- the quality of your previous evaluation reports [3]
- the use of languages in the execution of duties
- the level of responsibilities exercised especially for budgets, people or representing your unit/service/institution to others.
Check out the following points on guidance and factors to consider
- Were objectives assigned to you for 2023? They are not always there , but if they are, ensure that you show how far you met/exceeded them.
- 2023 presentation (please use Firefox or Edge) and 2023 video recording of last year’s event.
- The guidance that used to be available within sysper for the first 3 sections of the appraisal (please use Firefox or Edge): this information must now fit into just 1 section (since April 2022).
- The new option of transferring the report from the previous year means:
- the dialogue with your line manager still takes place
- no modifications are allowed so ad hoc input from panels and committees cannot be included.
- Absence: you are evaluated on the time you were present only. There should be no mention of your leave of any kind in your evaluation or self assessment. It does not matter if you were off sick or on parental leave or on holiday, how good was your work while you were present?[4]
- Concerns regarding a less-than-optimum relationship with your line manager: know what the rules say and what your options are.
- Interested in certification and AST 5+)? Then this is where you mark your interest: you will need to write a motivation ‘letter’ to include here citing some AD tasks (see point 1 here for a list).
What is normal for promotion/reclassification?
Staff | Appraisal | Reward possible? | Minimum time in grade (‘seniority’) to be eligible | Average speed of reward |
Officials | Yes | Promotion | 2 years | staff regulations Annex I.B and our chart with those percentages converted to years |
Temporary agents (2a and 2d) | Yes | Reclassification (JRC/GROW/RTD only?) [*] | 2 years | Staff Regulations Annex I.B |
Temporary agents (2b, 2c, 2e, 2f) | Yes | no[**] | Not applicable (N/A) | N/A |
Contract Agents 3a | Yes | reclassification | 2 years | Page 3 of Ares(2021)2467829 – 12/04/2021 CSC note on CA 3a |
Contract Agents 3b | Yes | no | ≤ 3 years | N/A |
Unfortunately, the process is more than a little flawed and the system of quotas can make or break your promotion/reclassification dreams: look at how sometimes your advancement has very little to do with you.
What are you offering me?
As usual, we offer one-on-one sessions to help colleagues by reviewing their self-assessment text. Please be so kind as to prepare a first draft of your text; keep in mind we will help you improve it but not write it from scratch with you [4].
If you are worried about a less-than-optimal evaluation, please read all you can about the potential outcomes, sign up for our assistance with your text and mention the circumstances of your doubts when you are contacted by Generation 2004.
If you appreciate our work, please consider becoming a member of Generation 2004.
[1] Here is the guidance for reporting officers (ROs) on how to write their part of your evaluation.
[2] Contract Agents, your contract type is visible in Sysper. [3] Probation reports cannot and should not be used for promotion purposes. [4] At most, ‘justified absence’ can be mentioned but no maternity leave, sick leave, health conditions and no comparisons with other colleagues. It’s set out in page 5 of the Drafting the appraisal report A guide for reporting officers.[5] Please run the spellchecker and note that it takes us around 2-3 working days to do our part and include this time in your planning: it might not be feasible for us to deal with last-minute requests.
[*] There is a joint committee on reclassification (not promotion) for Temporary Agents (TAs) of JRC/GROW/RTD only. We also see TAs with permanent contracts (yes, mental gymnastics are necessary here: to be permanently temporary) 2a and 2d listed for reclassification.
[**] 16.01.2023 HR response to our questions on TAs: Conditions of Employment of Other Servants (CEOS) (Article 15(2)) which states that only the provisions on annual reports [appraisal] from the Staff Regulations (SR) (Article 43) apply by analogy to TAs. By contrast, there is no such provision concerning promotion (SR Article 45). This means that, in principle, TAs are not subject to promotion. This principle is confirmed in the case-law of the General Court (e.g. T-366/15 P, paragraph 48).
*update 31.01.2025 adding to footnote [**] above: Nevertheless, different agencies (here also) may apply Article 54 of the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants (CEOS) differently and may allow for promotion of TAs (e.g. REA)’.
Obsolete updates:
Update 04.01.2024, the promotions exercise will start 08.01.2024.