Generation 2004 has been contacted by many colleagues serving outside the territory of the European Union regarding the issue of renewing their service passport (‘laissez-passer’ (LP)). While for the issuing of this document (e.g. for a new start in a new country (‘posting’)) the associated travel costs are met by the services, the same is not true for the renewal.
We are aware that there will be a new decision aiming to address some of the issues this raises, such as having the document last for period of 6 years (currently this is the maximum, not the standard). On the other hand, since this document is a work tool and can only be used for work, Generation 2004 believes that it is not reasonable to expect staff members to bear the cost, or to have to time their travel in order to meet the document expiry date. This is especially onerous when family members also need to have their documents renewed: travel costs for the entire family can be an extremely out-of-proportional financial burdens for colleagues.
Generation 2004 is also aware that it is possible for colleagues to obtain their LP is third countries under the mobile LP task force. Nevertheless such information is not yet available in the EU Del Guide. We therefore suggest that they European External Action Service (EEAS) ensure a more coordinated approach in disseminating such information. We have also written to enquire whether there is any possibilities of collaboration with Member State embassies in third countries on this matter such as obtaining and transferring biometric data, etc.
As always, we would love to hear from you. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us or leave a comment below.
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