Ukraine 2022

Ukraine: Easter action 2024

*Update 18.03.2024 5 days of volunteering extended to 2024.* A group of volunteers is preparing an Easter transport with humanitarian help for Ukraine.

If you would like to support their action, please have a look at the Ukrainian handicrafts they offer for sale. To know how the group uses funds, please see the photos and videos from the last deliveries. Should you need more information, please contact the group directly. Continue reading Ukraine: Easter action 2024

Colleagues in Kyiv to return to the office II

Since our last update on our Kyiv colleagues, we have been reaching out to colleagues of all categories in Kyiv. Hardship there continues: a situation ongoing since the outbreak of war (February 2022). Kyiv has been frequently shelled, there are power cuts many hours throughout the day; there are water shortages; sirens are going off frequently. The situation on the ground is extremely unsettling and it is impossible to have predictability on how long this will continue. Continue reading Colleagues in Kyiv to return to the office II

Colleagues in Kyiv to return to the office

*Update 22.12.2022 EEAS wants to increase the number of staff present in Kyiv, pushing staff evacuated to Brussels to return for 2 weeks at a time, starting in January 2023. We have asked for clarification and flexibility in this.* Against the backdrop of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine (24.02.2022), colleagues in Kyiv are to return to being present in office starting from 31.10.2022. Local Agents (LAs) are provisionally required to be present four days per week and official (generally expatriate) colleagues are required to be present for a minimum of 2 weeks (we have asked for clarification of this part of the instructions, since the plan for presence suggests that the 2 weeks can also be teleworked). For context, teleworking in Ukraine and abroad was made available also for LAs by Admin decision (2022)20, initially for a period of 3 months.   Continue reading Colleagues in Kyiv to return to the office

Generation 2004 continues supporting Ukrainian refugees

The war in Ukraine that followed its illegal and unjustified invasion by the Russian Federation keeps raging after three and a half months. With it, millions of refugees have fled the country, with EU countries – Ukraine’s closest geographical neighbors – becoming their natural escape.

Against this backdrop, Generation 2004 continues its engagement to support Ukrainian refugees and has joined the joint action of all trade unions for Ukrainian refugees in Belgium. Below we share this action and we also ask colleagues to keep helping. It is still extremely necessary to make sure the victims of this war feel supported. Continue reading Generation 2004 continues supporting Ukrainian refugees

Generation 2004 requests up to 12 days for volunteering

*Update 17.04.2024 We asked for the 5 days also to be made available for those volunteering to help civilians caught up in wars elsewhere.* *Update 18.03.2024 confirmed  extension of 5 days to 2024.*

Original article: You asked, we took action! Many of you contacted us with concerns that the currently allowed 1 day of paid special leave per year for volunteering Continue reading Generation 2004 requests up to 12 days for volunteering

Special leave for volunteering: it’s one day PER YEAR!

*Update 17.04.2024 We asked for the exceptional 5 days for volunteering to help with those affected by the war in Ukraine be made available for those volunteering to help civilians caught up in wars elsewhere.*

Original article: Generation 2004 clarifies the options available for volunteering in response to colleagues who have reached out to us for details. As mentioned on How to help Ukraine[1], special leave is available in sysper for volunteering. That means that you can volunteer and still be paid your full wage at the end of the month: great, right?[2] Continue reading Special leave for volunteering: it’s one day PER YEAR!

Generation 2004 requests assistance be provided to Kyiv Delegation colleagues

Upon request, teleworking in Ukraine and abroad has been made available also for local agents by the latest Admin decision (2022)20.  For the time being this arrangement will be for 3 months, we will closely monitor the situation and the requests for extensions where applicable and necessary.

Since the onset of the Russian invasion of Ukraine (24.02.2022) Generation2004 has actively been in touch with local agents and we are aware that all expat colleagues have been successfully evacuated to locations outside the country.  For local agents, Generation 2004 requested the following: Continue reading Generation 2004 requests assistance be provided to Kyiv Delegation colleagues

Ukraine: concrete action

Numerous colleagues asking how to help the people of Ukraine contacted us.

That is why we tried to put together a non-exhaustive list of initiatives run by government or non-government organizations aiming to provide assistance to the Ukrainian people such as food, medicines, medical equipment, accommodation, transportation, financial donation, family reunification, asylum, temporary protection, etc.

Continue reading Ukraine: concrete action

Please support colleagues in Kyiv, Ukraine

*Please sign to support our note on action to take for our Kyiv colleagues* The war  on Ukraine by the Russian Federation, which started on Thursday 24 February, will have a dramatic impact on the lives of our colleagues employed in Ukraine. We know that the EEAS formed a crisis-management working group for the emergency evacuation from Kabul in 2021. Generation 2004 would like to enquire whether similar arrangements have been put in place in Ukraine, if not, we strongly recommend to do it. Continue reading Please support colleagues in Kyiv, Ukraine