Newsletter #28 – Apr 2018

The promotion system for officials: How it works

The annual promotion decisions are taken by the Appointing Authority (AA), on the basis of 1) proposals by the senior management of each DG; 2) recommendations by a Joint Promotion Committee (JPC).

DGs and JPCs must determine who deserves a promotion on the basis of a comparison of merits (in theory…, see article below). All officials take part in the appraisal exercise. But only those who are eligible for promotion, i.e. have been in the grade for at least 2 years take part in the promotion exercise. Continue reading The promotion system for officials: How it works

Reform of the promotion system

Elsewhere we explain how the promotion exercise works in theory, with three levels of ‘merit comparison’ along the exercise (at directorate-general level, by the Joint Promotion Committees and their preparatory groups, and finally by the appointing authority (AIPN)) on the basis of comprehensive and unambiguous appraisals. Continue reading Reform of the promotion system

Where there is a will, there is a way! (at least for the chosen ones)

Generation 2004 has a confession to make… Due to the long and unfair fight with the Commission (EC) administration to rectify the differences between pre- and post-2004 staff employment conditions, we were ready to give-up, turn off the lights and close the shop. It is not easy to fight battles against a pre-2004 biased administration with a hierarchy still composed in the vast majority of pre-2004 staff. Therefore, it was only natural that our motivation had ebbed…

Continue reading Where there is a will, there is a way! (at least for the chosen ones)

Staff representatives meet Commissioner Oettinger

Commissioner Oettinger invited staff representatives on 27 March for an exchange mainly about heading V of the next EU budget. G2004 members attended and we would like to inform you about the tone and the content.

As we all know, the Brexit will have an impact on the finances of the EU and most probably also on heading V of the budget which covers the administrative expenses of all EU institutions, including salaries and pensions[1].

The UK has accepted to continue contributing to staff expenditures and pensions after leaving the EU during a transitional period until the end of 2020. Until the end of the school year 2020/2021 the UK is also ready to support the European Schools and will recognise the A level graduation which pupils receive there until this date. Our UK colleagues will have legal certainty about their status in the Commission also in the future. (See also article below.) All rules set out by the staff regulations will remain relevant for them but the one related to recruitment: the Commission will not recruit UK citizens after March 2019 anymore.  Continue reading Staff representatives meet Commissioner Oettinger

The pink bubble of wishful thinking and the truth about AST career future

On 8 March Generation 2004 organized a lunchtime conference dedicated to the career prospects for AST colleagues. The date was chosen deliberately as a reminder for the predominantly female gender ratio in the AST category. And while at a parallel event organized by DG HR on the same day, colleagues were presented a pink-optimistic picture about the career prospects for females in the Commission, we spoke facts (see presentation here): since 2004 there was a deliberate policy of juniorisation of recruitment with a consequent even more deliberate framing of the recruited in the AST category. Continue reading The pink bubble of wishful thinking and the truth about AST career future

Generation 2004’s action on mobility in the Brussels region

Generation 2004, through the Brussels Local Staff Committee (LSC) (Łukasz Wardyn, the President of the LSC is one of our members), is actively pushing for improvements in the mobility situation in Brussels. Brussels is one of the most polluted cities in Europe and traffic jams have become more or less permanent during the past decade. The LSC organised an extensive consultation on mobility via a conference with Brussels Mobility Minister Pascal Smet and several splinter sessions that took place at the end of November 2017. The Commission is preparing its future mobility plan, as requested by the Brussels authorities. In this context, it is important that the Commission listens to the concerns of staff as expressed in the Position of the Brussels Local Staff Committee regarding future of the mobility in Region Brussels-Capital: the perspective and recommendations of the Commission’s staff recently approved by the Local Staff Committee, LSC, click here. Continue reading Generation 2004’s action on mobility in the Brussels region

Staff representation and its functioning in the European Commission

Are you sure that you know what is staff representation and how does it function in the Commission?

Do you know that during the 2015-2018 mandate the President of the Brussels Local Staff Committee (LSC), Mr Łukasz Wardyn as well as the General Secretary of the LSC, Ms Paola Pagliarulo and the General Secretary of the Central Staff Committee (CSC), Ms Lorella Cattaruzza are Generation 2004 members?

The staff regulations are the legal basis for the establishment of the Staff Committee as a recognized body, to represent staff vis-à-vis their employer. The Staff Committee composition is a result of elections where several staff representative organisations (trade unions and staff associations) compete fo Continue reading Staff representation and its functioning in the European Commission

NEW Appraisal of contract agents “3b”…. What is it for???

*Update 10.04.2024 CA 3b are more than half of all contract Agent staff at the Commission. Check the figures below[1].* Original article: How staff performance is managed in an organization determines to a large extent the success or failure of this organization. Indeed, a central reason for the use of performance appraisals is to improve staff’s performance. Appraisals can be valuable tools for communication with staff about how the job performance matches organizational expectations, and thus can contribute to an organization’s higher effectiveness. The other fundamental justification for performance appraisal includes Talent Management policy as a basis for any employment decision like promotions, terminations or transfers. Continue reading NEW Appraisal of Contract Agents “3b”…. What is it for???

Brexit news for British staff

*Update 22.02.2024 UK-only staff are restricted in the EEAS. We asked for figures.* There will be no forced resignations (FR) of UK officials who lose their EU citizenship when the UK leaves the EU, or hardly any, according to a decision from the Commission just published.  So thanks to the College for that, and no doubt a great relief for those British colleagues fortunate enough to have a permanent contract. Continue reading Brexit news for British staff

“Authorised travel”: how a good idea got thwarted before it could even be tried in practice

Rue Montoyer, home of DG HR in Brussels, is not precisely known as the hotbed of innovative HR policies (unless of course one has to find ways to lift people with no management responsibilities or other noticeable qualifications to AD13 and 14). But occasionally, very occasionally, even there an idea sees the light of day which makes you think “Ehre wem Ehre gebuehrt” [Honour where honour is due].

We are talking about one of the changes introduced in the new mission guidelines under the heading “Authorised Travel”. Authorised travel is a kind of lightweight business travel (‘mission’) which allows you to take part in events related to a programme covered by an ad hoc Commission decision or other external events and have your cost in part be covered by the Commission (and possibly the organisers of the event). How big that part is (and how much you would have to pay yourself) is at the end of the day something your boss needs to decide, taking into account how important your participation in the event is for the Commission and your negotiation skills. Continue reading “Authorised travel”: how a good idea got thwarted before it could even be tried in practice