Commissioner Oettinger invited staff representatives on 27 March for an exchange mainly about heading V of the next EU budget. G2004 members attended and we would like to inform you about the tone and the content.
As we all know, the Brexit will have an impact on the finances of the EU and most probably also on heading V of the budget which covers the administrative expenses of all EU institutions, including salaries and pensions[1].
The UK has accepted to continue contributing to staff expenditures and pensions after leaving the EU during a transitional period until the end of 2020. Until the end of the school year 2020/2021 the UK is also ready to support the European Schools and will recognise the A level graduation which pupils receive there until this date. Our UK colleagues will have legal certainty about their status in the Commission also in the future. (See also article below.) All rules set out by the staff regulations will remain relevant for them but the one related to recruitment: the Commission will not recruit UK citizens after March 2019 anymore. Continue reading Staff representatives meet Commissioner Oettinger →