
High time for more flexible teleworking, also from abroad!

The implementation of the Decision on Working Time and Hybrid Working (WTHW) was evaluated by DG HR at the end of 2023 and, while targeted actions are now expected, there will be no big revision, the promised flexibility is still one-sided. Generation 2004 was pleased to notice that the evaluation is overall very positive and that many managers also appreciated the enhanced flexibility of WTHW and made use themselves of the possibilities to better reconcile their private and professional lives. Continue reading High time for more flexible teleworking, also from abroad!

Flexibility days 2024 now available to request

*Update 09.03.2024: The 2025 days are also now known: 17 April Maundy Thursday, 18 April Good Friday and 30 May Day after Ascension Day.*

Original article: For those of you keen to plan the year ahead and organising things to look forward to, note that the 2024 flexibility days are now listed and available to request in sysper. These are the three public holidays every year where you can choose to work and have the days back as annual leave [1]. Perhaps this is not an option for you at the moment, but it’s good to know that this possibility exists. Continue reading Flexibility days 2024 now available to request

Work groups on private mobile: voluntary?

*Update 12.04.2024: On the processing of personal data: the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) European Commission’s use of Microsoft 365 infringes data protection law for EU institutions and bodies.* Original article: There’s a difference between the right to disconnect as presented in the working time and hybrid working (WTHW) decision and the reality for those being ‘encouraged’ (voluntold/expected)  to join messaging groups on their private mobile for ‘business continuity’. See our recent communication on this topic. The right to disconnect is in the 2022 WTHW decision and also its 2023 evaluation where it is acknowledged that more needs to be done. Continue reading Work groups on private mobile: voluntary?

Operation Hiver – a contest for the coolest picture

*Update 09.04.2024, here are the results of our contest, thanks to all who participated!*

*Update 08.03.2024 the gendered aspect of this debate has been around for a long time, we see no evidence that it is being addressed, please get in touch if you’ve seen anything to counter this! Overcooling of offices reveals gender inequity in thermal comfort. and Here’s Why Your Office May Be Too Hot or Cold: Gender Bias.*

*Update 14.12.2023 As promised below, here is our note to HR and OIB/OIL asking for the year of data on office temperatures.*

Original article: Winter is coming. The official rhetoric is that the EU is committed to ambitious environmental goals Continue reading Operation Hiver – a contest for the coolest picture

Brownie points, shattered dreams & utility-bill miracles

The directors-general from DG HR, DG Interpretation (SCIC) and DG Digital Services (DIGIT), together with the the Director of the Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in Brussels (OIB) and the one for Luxembourg (OIL) met with staff in a hybrid Town Hall meeting 20.11.2023. The occasion was the publishing of the evaluation of the eighteen months since the implementation of the Working Time and Hybrid Working Decision (WTHW). The answers given to staff questions there echo still in our ears. Continue reading Brownie points, shattered dreams & utility-bill miracles

End-of-year checklist 2023

In response to your feedback from last year, we send this list out a bit earlier in order to give you time to take action. We encourage you to do what you can now in order to be able to use the end-of-year period to rest and to recharge your batteries. This is not an opportunity to get work done!  Please, as far as you can, switch off your devices, mute notifications and disconnect: take the time for you. Continue reading End-of-year checklist 2023

Please use your 10 days of teleworking from outside the place of employment!

*Update 19.10.2023 use of TWA days figures added.* *Update 11.10.2023 the section on the IDOC report was clarified.*

Original article: If you still haven’t used up all your days of teleworking from anywhere (TWA)[*] do not forget to file the request in Sysper as soon as possible. Here’s how to do it. We know of no plans to extend the validity of the 2023 days beyond the end-of-year deadline (the 2021 days could be used until 15.01.2022). Please at least request your full 2023 quota of days, even if you’re not 100% sure that you’ll use them: HR is looking at how many days are left over. Continue reading Please use your 10 days of teleworking from outside the place of employment!

Follow-up survey on teleworking, hybrid working and TWA

*Update 29.01.2024: there are no geographical limitations on where to do TWA: see Article 11(1) of the WTHW Decision.* We are unable to find any geographical restrictions on travelling with EU IT equipment. We have asked DIGIT COMM for clarification.* Update 15.11.2023 HR has published an evaluation of the working time and hybrid working decision.**Update 09.08.2023 please declare the TWA days you use! See footnote [*] for how and why.* Original article: We ask you to participate in a follow-up survey about teleworking, hybrid working and teleworking from outside the place of employment (TWA) in order to make a comparison with the answers you provided to our two original surveys: Working time and teleworking (and the results) and Survey on teleworking from abroad. Continue reading Follow-up survey on teleworking, hybrid working and TWA

Teleworking from abroad: why not more?

We worked from home (‘telework’) 100% for over a year (2020-21) and we’ve been able to telework from outside the place of employment (teleworking from anywhere/abroad (TWA)) for 10 days per year since 2021. In comparison, colleagues in the European Central Bank (ECB) have 90 such days and those at the European Patent Office (EPO) have 60. We’ve shown teleworking works and we’ve shown ourselves to be flexible, responsible and trustworthy. We delivered, even from kitchen tables and living rooms, even from outside the place of assignation. What happens now? Let’s look again at taking TWA further. Continue reading Teleworking from abroad: why not more?

Summer holiday checklist (Tips)

*Update 24.07.2023 Luxembourg national legislation now includes the right to disconnect, though the situation on the ground needs some work.* *For those of you who remain in the office keeping the Commission standing (thanks!), please check out the heatwave instructions for dealing with hot offices and the list of buildings to be temporarily closed under Buildings Energy Saving Together (BEST) 2023[1]. Read our related article on how these closures undermine the insistence that working from home is voluntary.*

With many of us now looking forward to enjoying some well-deserved leave over the summer, we remind you that annual leave is your time to do with as you will. It is not there for you to catch up on work still needing done, it is not there for you to ‘clear your feet’ with projects, it is not there for you to monitor what is or is not happening back in the office. Being reachable all of the time is draining, contributes to burnout and can allow bullying/harassment to continue round the clock and unabated. Take this time for you and leave the office behind! Continue reading Summer holiday checklist (Tips)