Junior Professionals Programme

DG GROW: Reorganisation? Maladministration? Or how to pave the way for…what?

Our institution as well as our working and private lives have, in the recent past, undergone substantial change. So much so that the word reorganisation stopped soliciting any surprise. We are used to it and it happens everywhere and at reasonably regular intervals, such as before the arrival of a new Commission or Cabinets: the outgoing one might look to perhaps reshuffle things in order to accommodate their loyal staff within the services of the Commission. Continue reading DG GROW: Reorganisation? Maladministration? Or how to pave the way for…what?

Update on our collective action on internal competitions

We are in April and DG HR has not yet provided competition planning (provisional or otherwise). We do not think that this will change any time soon. Even if the planning was to become available now, the ongoing exclusion of certain staff categories (16 000 potentially eligible staff) from internal competitions requires action and the most recent example of this is the internal competition published at the end of the last year (COM/AD/02/21). Continue reading Update on our collective action on internal competitions

Stated objectives: ‘pilot’ Junior Professionals Programme (JPP) (long read)

*Update 15.01.2025, Here’s our December note on the technical difficulties in application process in a call for expression of interest for the internal competition JPP14 (French and German as language 2).*

*Update 16.03.2023, we add the notes exchanged between HR and the Central Staff Committee (CSC/CCP) on making the JPP permanent (no longer ‘pilot’.[1]), in December 2022 it was confirmed that the programme will become permanent, with no response to the CSC concerns. Director HR.B Recruitment & Mobility promises to present figures on JPP6-10 in a later plenary e.g. geographical balance and Blue Book/Temporary Agent/Conctract Agent proportions.

Request for an opinion – Decision : Junior Professionals Programme + Annex CCP

Continue reading Stated objectives: ‘pilot’ Junior Professionals Programme (JPP) (long read)

Assistants (ASTs) FAQs

*Update 21.11.2024 check out the European Court of Auditors, 2024, Special report 24/2024EU Civil service–A flexible employment framework, insufficiently used to improve workforce management: it concludes that ‘…the institutions do not focus on imbalances in the SC and AST function groups in their analysis, and concentrate instead on the AD group, and in particular the starting grades (AD5-AD8).‘ (P. 51) Check out their corresponding chart on p.51. Why on Earth focus efforts on part of a function group?[1] Where’s the global vision? Why tackle the hard stuff?*

Continue reading Assistants (ASTs) FAQs

Stop having AST/SC staff do AST roles without the corresponding pay and potential!

Article 90(2) complaint lodged against a published post for an AST/SC financial assistant. Generation 2004 is the first and only staff representation to reveal and condemn the ongoing process of replacing non-secretary assistant (AST) staff with secretaries and clerks (AST/SC) staff. Continue reading Stop having AST/SC staff do AST roles without the corresponding pay and potential!

Stated aims and reality: AST/SC

Thanks to all of you who attended our secretaries and clerks (AST/SC) conference, the issues raised and discussed there are explained in detail in our original article.

For those of you who haven’t done so already, please sign our petition [1] to improve the opportunities available to our AST/SC colleages: Continue reading Stated aims and reality: AST/SC

Stop the AST/SC exploitation NOW

*Update 10.11.2024 the European Court of Auditors, Special report 24/2024: EU Civil service–A flexible employment framework, insufficiently used to improve workforce management, 2024 confirms much of  what we said below in 2021 about the artificial restrictions in place for AST/SC staff and about the disproportionately slow career: Continue reading Stop the AST/SC exploitation NOW

Junior Professionals Programme (JPP) open for contract agents – or not

DG Human Resources and Security (DG HR) has recently announced changes to the Junior Professionals Programme (JPP). The most important change is that now all Contract Agents (CAs), from function group 1 (FGI) to 3 (FGIII), can apply for the programme [1]. Sounds too good to be true? Congratulations for recognising this, you are definitely an experienced colleague at the Commission.

Continue reading Junior Professionals Programme (JPP) open for contract agents – or not